I like singing myself silly, meaningful lyrics, red, baking, smileys, cakes, rum & raisins, taking long walks, observing people, reading, change of heart, baby blues, running, making new friends, lying down and watching clouds go by, chatting with friends, traveling around singapore, eating good food, glass jars, daisies, swings, daydreaming, going to places I've never been before, the smell of rain & anything pretty.
Last official day of school
{Saturday, August 28, 2010}
It is more than unbelievable, but every time I stop to think, I can't help but wonder how time has passed at a lightning speed and here I am at this stage of metamorphosis. I feel like a cocoon, reluctantly curling and hugging my feet, yet at the same time, thinking about the beauty of my wings and awaiting the freedom to flutter in the sky.
No doubt a truism, but many will be missed as I continue to walk down the corridor, flipping my life to the next chapter. My feelings are ineffable; I no not whether it is due to my lack of vocabulary or that no words have been invented to express my concoction of emotions yet. I've been told many a time by those who have crossed the path before me to treasure my time and friends because of the little bits of regrets they've accumulated for not doing so, but I stand to believe that there no point in passing down the message, for no matter how hard you try, you know you always want more time in HC, with friends and classmates. Regrets are inevitable; they are put in place to remind you of what you have done, to strengthen your memories as you age. Perhaps that is why we can never remember what we did before 3; it was the time before we even knew what regret meant.
I have many people to be thankful for, because their existence made my 2 years in HC happy and memorable. I am indeed very lucky to be part of 09S7G. We have got to be craziest class ever, but I love every single moment spent together with my classmates. We are the epitome of unity. Thank you 7G for making my HC life so splendid, I had fun going wild with you guys and unleashing the crazy monster in me.
Slow it down, make it stop. Or else my heart is going to pop.
I'll miss you guys.
10:35 AM
What's fair value when returning a favour?
{Friday, August 13, 2010}
I found this article thought provoking and I really think everyone should read it.!
Here's a part of it:
"How much we decide to reciprocate for a given pro-social action becomes an important question. Understanding the social exchange rate - how much a person needs to reciprocate in order to match another's expectation of a fair reciprocity - will help maintain a sense of equity in social relations and promote a more courteous society."
Have fun reading! :)
11:21 PM
Happy Left-Handers Day!
:D Today is the day I celebrate my own leftiness! :D
In all my 18 years of being a leftie, I must say I'm really glad to be born one! Of course I have no special talents or special opportunities by being a leftie but I guess it's really nice to know I'm different from the others. Of course, while some wow at how we lefties use our left hands, here's one BIG problem I've always had (out of the many!) simply because I'm a southpaw.
"A lot of left handers get into awkward writing positions and smudge their work because they are trying to make a standard ink pen work. These are, of course, designed for right handers to PULL across the page from left to right with the nib being dragged behind and writing smoothly. When a left-hander tries to PUSH is across the page nib first it just digs into the paper and you get no ink flow. Contorting the writing position to make it work just leads to smudging and bad writing. "
I know jiawen can relate this because she can use my muji pen but I can't. -.-
So imagine my surprise when I found out that there is actually a leftie pen!
& here are some famous people that you know but perhaps didn't know that they are/were lefties too! :)
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Marilyn Monroe
Leonardo da Vinci
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar
Queen Victoria of England
Helen Keller
Jack-the-Ripper :O
Lewis Carroll
Charlie Chaplin
Tom Cruise
Angelina Jolie
Sarah Jessica Parker
Julia Roberts
Oprah Winfrey
... and this list goes on!
One interesting fact: Around 13 per cent of the world's population is thought to be left handed, although there are wide geograpical varitations. The proportion is much lower in Asia, which has been linked to forms of cultural discrimination.
I guess my dream as a leftie is for parents to stop forcing their children to use their right hand when they instinctively pick up the pen using their left. There is seriously nothing wrong with being a leftie! Oh yes, did I mention, the gene runs deep in my family cause I have 2 more cousins who are lefties (so yes, when we eat dinner together we prefably sit together to avoid more elbow fights)!
Fellow lefties, embrace your left hand today! :)
8:14 PM